Monday, April 18, 2022

First Half of 2021

So much happened in 2021 that I need to split it up into multiple posts (side note: I should really update this more than once a year!) 

In 2021 we were still in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and although masking and social distancing were still common practice, we slowly eased back into more "normal" aspects of life, like attending church in person and travelling. In our family, we had a lot of changes and transitions, some good, some painful. One of the biggest blessings was the addition of Arlo to our family in February. Because of COVID restrictions, Aimee was only allowed to have Alex in the hospital with her this time, but the birth went quickly and with no complications this time. 

Aren't they just the cutest family ever?! :)

We had done a lot of work to the farm property to make it suitable for our horses, and having a new barn during winter was one of the best perks. It was great to have them in their stalls with heated water buckets, close to the house, during the worst of the winter weather. As the picture shows though, they also loved being out in the snow and cold!

In April my sister, niece, and nephew came out for a visit. This was huge! It was the first time they have visited us, and we made sure they had other firsts while they were here. We took our niece and nephew on their first horseback ride, and took them to a shooting range for their first time firing a gun. It was wonderful being able to spend time with some of my family. 

The whole gang at Faith Ranch in Jewett, Ohio.

 In May, David received a job offer from a company in Memphis, Tennessee. I wish I could say we were thrilled about that, since he had been out of work for six months, but we were all heartbroken at the idea of being so far apart, not to mention giving up our dream property and animals. I sold and gave away all of my chickens, and found a perfect home for Max & Snoopy. David got settled in at a hotel in the Memphis area towards the end of May, and I stayed behind to take care of selling the house and packing. Thankfully, David was able to come home many weekends between then and when we moved. He wasn't home for my birthday though, so Stephanie took me for a bike ride and dinner. 

I miss my chickies!

Love going for bike rides with my bestie! 

July 24th we loaded up a Uhaul and headed down to Olive Branch, Mississippi, our new home. 

Pigeon Roost Park Circle... crazy name for an address, but it was a lovely small neighborhood, 
close to everything. 

I fell in love with the crepe myrtles, which are abundant in the Memphis area.

My cat, Pepper, trying to give me a heart attack. He's on a second story ledge here. 

This gets us about halfway through 2021. Stay tuned for the sequel... 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Awe! I made it into your post! 💜