Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God Won't Take Away Your Pains...

God won't take away your pain, fear, anger, depression, or other maladies...unless you are willing to let them go. He won't forcibly take something from us. Not even if it's negative and hurting us. He will only take those things that we are willing to give up.

So why won't we let these things go? Why do we hang on to those things that cause us anxiety or even hurt us?

I believe that most often it's because they are familiar to us. It's what we are comfortable with because it's what we know. To let go of our pain, fear, anger, etc. is to open ourselves to something new and unknown. And in a human world, that in itself creates new fear and sometimes pain, anger, depression, etc. It's ironic that in order to rid ourselves of those things that scare and hurt us, we may have to endure an increase of them in the short term.

God has never promised us the easy road, but He does promise that the journey is worth it, and we can find beauty all along the path if we will just look up.

1 comment:

Mama D said...

Fabulous, as always. I love your insight. And I definitely need this reminder right now...