Thursday, May 31, 2012

Two Homes

It's hard having two homes. I feel like I have one foot in each city and that I'm being tugged in two different directions.
It's not an entirely foreign feeling for me, though. I've always felt a bit out of place on this earth. I think this comes from knowing that I have another home waiting for me when I'm done with this life. I've had experiences that have underscored the fact that this life is not the end for me. At times I've had glimpses of the eternal nature of people and the vanity of lives that are wasted on self, pleasure, shopping, or addictions. It's helped me to understand that the preparations for my final move won't include things I put in boxes or pack in a moving van. When I leave this earthly home all I can take with me is what I've become. I want to take with me love, selflessness, faith, and the knowledge that I did the best I could to be obedient to my Father. I want to know that I've spent my time serving, loving, helping, teaching, and lifting others. When things in this home are hard to cope with, I just remind myself of the mansion I have waiting for me. And when I get there, I want my Father to welcome me with open arms and tell me that He's proud of what I did and who I've become.


Papa D said...

"When I leave this earthly home all I can take with me is what I've become."

Amen, Patty - and you have done and are doing a wonderful job of becoming.

"And when I get there, I want my Father to welcome me with open arms and tell me that He's proud of what I did and who I've become."

I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be as you hope. If He's proud of anyone, I believe he's proud of you.

Alex Harker said...

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Mama D said...

You have become, and continue to become, an amazing individual. I am blessed to be your friend!

I love the concept of two homes. Having just loaded a moving truck myself, I wish I would have had more time to consider the implications of loading for more than just an earthly move. I think I would have been less stressed - though I was far less stressed this time than I was 3 years ago! What really matters is that the important things came with us. :)