Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"How to be a Boss for Dummies"

It doesn't seem like it would take much common-sense to figure out how to be a decent boss. But I guess it does because we've run across a few gems throughout David's career. I don't think any can top the man he's working for now, though.
So here's a basic "guide for dummies" for anyone who is thinking of going into management or business:

What NOT to do:

1. Think of yourself and your pocketbook before everyone and everything else. Protect your interests at all costs.
2. Treat people like property instead of assets. Convince yourself that you own them and act accordingly.
3. Send out rude emails on a regular basis.
4. Don't give raises for three years in a row. Especially to one of your highest producing managers. Don't worry about cost of living increases either.
5. Micromanage. Make sure you know every single detail of every thing going on. And then tell your employees how to do every single step of the process. This is especially good with a highly experienced and capable manager.
6. Ask people to bring toilet paper and paper towels from home so the company doesn't have to pay for them. (No joke... this happened.)
7. Cheat your clients as often as you can get away with it.
8. Tell everyone you're a Christian but do everything possible to prove that you don't follow Christ's teachings.

On the other hand, if anyone is interested in how to be a great boss:

What TO DO:
1. Be generous. The more we give, the more we tend to receive. What you spend on advertising, salaries, equipment, etc. will usually pay for itself and create additional revenue.
2. Treat your employees well. You won't have to worry about loyalty if you treat people with respect, make them feel valued, and pay them fairly.
3. Be polite. It goes a long way.
4. Reward productive employees well. That way they don't take that talent elsewhere and earn money for someone else.
5. If you have experienced, capable managers, supervisors, or employees, tell them what to do and then back off and let them do it!! It helps prove that you have confidence in them and lets them have the freedom to use their creativity and knowledge.
6. Be known as the kind of company someone would WANT to work for. Make sure your employees needs are taken care of.
7. Be totally honest and fair with your clients. Clients learn quickly who they can trust and who to use on a regular basis. You can only get away with cheating clients for so long before they catch on and take their business elsewhere.
8. Be who you say you are.
9. Follow the business practices of successful companies who have happy employees. Obviously they've got something figured out. Learn from them!! Read about good business practices and make positive changes.

Because of the economy and the desire to stay put until Aimee graduates, it looks like David will have to stick it out with this company. It's shameful that employers are able to treat people so badly just because they know they can hire someone to take their place. The economy won't stay bad forever, though. And we'll be open to moving within 2 years or so. Hopefully David will be lead to an employer who will value his experience, knowledge and capabilities. (And if something opens up locally before then... there's nothing keeping him at his current job!!)
My only option for now is to occasionally rant and then just pray that his boss' heart will be softened and that he'll come to a better understanding of how much he holds his company back with the way he treats people. Please pray for David to have the patience and self-control necessary to meet his boss' actions politely while still holding on to his integrity.


Mama D said...

I wish all employers had the common sense you so succinctly describe! It doesn't seem that hard to figure out how to be nice, to recognize the good your employees do, and to give constructive criticism so they can improve the things they need to. They really would get more loyalty and productivity if they would do these simple things...

However, in our experience, having an employer who has all of these "what to do" characteristics is, unfortunately, more the rarity than the norm.

Good luck... hoping... praying for David and you to continue to handle such a difficult situation with such grace and patience!

Shayleen Lunt said...

Oh man! That is incredibly aggrivating. The TP thing, humorous. I hope something LOCAL opens up. And SOON!